watashi no dobutsu -- kitties!

on the top-left is Rumpelteazer! she's a sweetheart, as old as the pups, and cute!!! the hind leg you can't see in the photo is yellow & orange striped. I think of T. S. Eliot--"I have a Gumbie cat in mind, her name is Jennyanydots. Her coat is of the tabby kind, with tiger stripes & leopard spots." but her name came from another poem in his Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats. ("Mungojerrie & Rumpelteazer were a notorious couple of cats...") she likes to pounce on the dogs & they like to chase her. Rumpelteazer is dancing for David in this pic. I made the curtains you see in the background!
I've been trying to say "my animals" in various languages here.....but japanese plurality is a little hard to master at quick-glance, even with all my books, so technically the title says merely "my animal". oh well.
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