Wednesday, July 13, 2005

post office blues, asinine burglars, & gay pigs

rant #1: why do post offices close at 4:30 now? who's brilliant idea is that? how do working people ever get there? do they have to take a day off? "uh....i can't come in today. i need to go to the post office." why don't they just go back to using horses. i think it would actually be more efficient.

rant #2: a friend of mine gets his car broken into. the burglar takes the following: a few random cds but not all of them, a discman, a bunch of self-made rock tapes, a huge project due the next day for my friend's class (the thief sifted through a notebook for that), and all the artwork my friend had prepared for a convention that's in a week. Left artwork not associated with this particular art project. what kind of immature asshole does this? sifts through notebooks & portfolios? obviously they weren't doing this for the money. this was a personal attack. why else steal very specific pieces of artwork & classwork? in my opinion, the person who did it should be....ok, i'll curb my violence for the good ol' internet, but i'm thinking at least beat to unconciousness & then tarred & feathered.

again i ask why the hell are people so insanely stupid? why so viciously evil? sometimes i think earth does deserve to destroy us all.



uh on a lighter note, the pig we thought was male and then decided was female.....well, it really is a male. David saw it hump the other pig. apparently pigs have corkscrew penises. so this male is just a lot less endowed than the other one, and its balls look oddly like vaginal lips. who knows why. but the other pig didn't seem to mind and he's humped before too so..........its official! we have gay pigs!

also, Tom was recently caught trying to hump his brother Gimli (who wasn't that into it) i don't know, we might also end up with gay incestuous goats too!


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