fresh rants
this has been a pretty stressful week, even for living in the woods! that’s what comes from living only an hour from your so-called family i guess. especially a grudge-holding family. but we’re not talking justified grudges. no, pulled-completely-out-of-your-ass grudges. which at this point i’m tired of dealing with harmful & hindering insanity, so i’m looking for a new patch of woods much farther away. surprisingly i actually can think for myself. or at least i’m quite allowed to have my own opinion (in my opinion!).......and just because someone turns out different from you doesn’t mean they’re purposely being evil and ruining your life because they want to live their own. I mean if i was 2 i couldn’t do much about it, i might even expect that kind of (eternal) reaction, but god i’m almost 30. and i am not having children just to perpetuate my little part of humanity. with 10 grandchildren already, i don’t think anymore are needed. especially just for the sake of having kids. i don’t feel so great about the way society & the world are operating as it is, why would i want to force someone else into it? plus i actually can’t afford kids. i just wish more people would think a little bit & prevent “accidental” pregnancies. then we wouldn’t have unprepared parents & real live soap operas. and children are definitely not the way to get your ex to come back. and then overdose your kid on medicine at least twice a month. yeah, that’s going to help them develop well. you’d think there was enough sodium flouide in the water supplies (& toothpaste) to have sterilized everyone by now. but i guess it’s not quite as high yet as the levels in those “special little places” in 1940s germany.
no don’t get me started on fascism. (F.A.S.C.I.S.T. ACT and more!)
ladies check out the link “for ladies only.” though really, all men should get informed & take an active role in contraception too. ’cause it takes 2 to make 1.
the best thing really is that fierce wind right before a storm, when the skies turn grey, the clouds rush in, and you can only marvel at nature’s power (and hope it prevails).
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