Tuesday, November 22, 2005

well craptastic!!!

all right! 'tis the season of giant turkey balloons! man, where's my dart gun? and then next month there will be giant air-sacs shaped like santa, snowpeople, reindeer.....oh god, pure bliss! i also like it when they blow away. winds are pretty strong today. it's snowing too. let's keep those fingers crossed, shall we?

so one internet group i lurk around on when i'm bored had a post about "thanksgiving", and i really really really wanted to post something in reply. however, i figured it wouldn't be considered "nice" enough to actually be posted, so i came here to pour out my rantings.

first off, let's give the turkeys something to be thankful for. funny thing, i have never eaten turkey in my entire life. and that's not because my family didn't as i grew up, since they did and do. that makes me feel good about myself. at least i'm not supporting the horrible atrocities against those poor birds. btw, have you ever sat in the woods all still and seen wild turkeys? totally awesome. they are so fast. hey if the turkey was the one picked to be the national bird, would we be eating eagles for thanksgiving? well, we know that could never have been since i don't think the turkey has any occult/esoteric/etc symbolism behind it. no national status for the turkey! only non-life as fodder for the carnivores!

furthermore, all that bullshit about indians & pilgrims makes me want to storm some castles. at least they're outlawing holidays in public schools so less of that kind of drivel is being taught. now if we can only get rid of all the rest of the crap they pawn off as science, history, and a whole host of other required subjects.

lastly, i have a serious problem with the whole name "thanksgiving". i remember "thanksgiving" as being a time when i was forced to go to relatives' houses where i was emotionally tortured (my brother got that on top of being beaten up. i'm serious. black eyes and more just because he was a little kid), and would spend my sentence trying to hide as far away from these cousins, uncles, aunts, etc for as long as i possibly could. luckily at some point the football game on television (which was always on) would distract most of these people and i could safely escape outside, maybe hide inside a bush or in the car, only to have to finally drag myself inside because i was freezing cold. when i didn't eat turkey (and i never did remember) i would be taunted mercilessly. when i got a little older and was trying to learn scottish gaelic (at the age of 13) and would bring my books so i could have SOMETHING to do until we left, well of course i was attacked for wanting to learn something. seriously. these are the people who i am related to?! these are the people who i would never ever in all of eternity NEVER associate with. thank god when my mother finally stopped going to these horrors, because then i didn't have to anymore either. though of course my father thought it mean. guess he didn't understand how mean his family was/is. sometimes i hear about who hates who among them. i just have to laugh. so THANKSGIVING is not about THANKS and it is not about GIVING. it is about STUFFING YOUR GUT and WATCHING FOOTBALL. that's among families. in the commercial world, it means MAKING LOTS OF MONEY. this is what all holidays are basically for. EATING, WATCHING SPORTS GAMES, MAKING MONEY (or SPENDING MONEY if you're the consumer), and an EXCUSE TO CLOSE BANKS.

and please don't try to convince me that christmas is a holiday to celebrate the birth of baby jesus. unless by "baby jesus" you mean "the sun". that's SUN not SON. the glowing orb in the daytime skies. you could also mean the celebration of expensive fad toys & gadgets or the birth of super sales (both meanings or points of view for that word--consumer & retailer). or another time when you're forced to visit those people you never see except at certain holidays and who you really don't like. or a time to blow darts at giant ballons in peoples' front lawns. all of these could work.

and if you're going to give away chemicals, artificial flavors, artificial colors....excuse me, i mean prepackaged "food"....maybe you should think twice. i don't think god would be very proud of your contributing to poisoning the masses. i'm sure there's something better you could give. think real hard and it might come to you. i'm not being facitious here.

and have a oh so happy thanksgiving! (NOW i'm being facitious)


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