Saturday, August 20, 2005

thirty-five & counting

that's how many animals look after us. let's do some simple addition:

2 cats + 2 dogs + 2 goats + 2 pigs + 9 guineas + 18 chickens = 35 players in a hobby farm menagerie!!!!!

well, not really a menagerie......we're not really displaying them in an zoo or scientifically studying them but I suppose you could call it a "collection" know how words are often not used properly until eventually the real meaning is lost

new to the group are two bantam-cochin roosters (one white, one white & black), an andalusian blue hen, a mama guinea and her 7 babies (safe & sound this time!) & a mama buff (reddish-orangish) silkie and her 5 similarly colored chicks

sayonara (the buff silkie rooster) & the new bantam roosters have crowing contests across the yard--one crows, then there's a pause, then the other cocks its head, stretches out, & crows......back & forth ad infinitum

gobo (crested polish rooster) has been learning to crow recently--he still hasn't quite gotten the hang of it, he sounds like someone's hurting him actually

going to visit Liz now....long way to drive


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