ever more silkies

these babies are about 2 months old now, maybe a week more. they are pure bred (like wakaba & kenshin, the white silkie hens now new mamas). unfortunately their dad was killed before we got them. he was a buff too, which is obvious given that all the kids are buffs. remember--silkie daughters look like their dads & silkie sons look like their moms when the parents are different colors.
everyone has been really noisy lately. dogs, goats, chickens, guineas.....the cats are the least annoying vocally. sometimes you just want to sleep for longer than 15 mins at a time....but that's life on a little farm! the best is still the crowing contests between the roosters. oh! and Holly (white leghorn chicken-holocaust survivor)--who makes honking sounds more than clucks--taught the one guinea hen (Nephthys) to make her honks underneath the window in the morning as well. this is the "GET UP NOW AND FEED US!!!" ritual. which the goats soon join in with their bleeting if one of us doesn't get out their soon enough. and then maybe the roosters will start if we try to push staying in bed too long. though right now the windows are still open.....
those new here should see posts made in july for pics of our other animals
all right--that's enough for today
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