Tuesday, August 30, 2005

life begins anew

well well sometime i will have to borrow a digital camera again or buy some more film & develop it.....many little chicks & guineas needing to be seen by all...

gobo will be missed...almost makes me feel like i can't go anywhere at all...we were just about to get him a lady friend, but.....unfortunately the bird-hunting dog is still being found out off a leash....this isn't the area to do this.....people shoot dogs without remorse around here....and the people at the bottom of the hill i believe have done it before....killed cats too, so i've heard

but we should be moving in a few months so....somewhere a bit nicer for all & safer for the animals

oh yes--wakaba is a mama now! yesterday 4 little chicks were born!!!!! the first births we've had! 3 look like their dad, buff (that's the reddish silkies) with darker bums, and one is whitish with black spots on its head. if they stay these colors, than presumably the white one will be male & the buffs will be female. they're adorable! kenshin has also been sitting on some eggs, so we will see what comes of those.

everyone is doing fine. the mama guniea hen likes to fly out of her pen and run around the edge of the fence....meanwhile her babies run around beside her on the inside of the fence. it's goofy. they love when i put some clover in for them (they've pretty much eaten all the plants that used to be in the pen, so i supplement some for them now). they pick up a piece and run all around so no one else can get it. but they all do this at the same time, so it's quite amusing to watch. but the cutest thing is when they are all huddled under their mama's wings, and you can only see one or two heads peeking out of her feathers......one night mama guinea didn't come back in the pen, so her babies all huddled under the buff mama silkie (whose babies are two big to huddle under her).....that was nice of her!

nothing much to rant about today......enjoyed vermont (it wasn't winter yet!) yeah so i met & talked with sandra bullock's sister gezine & her husband ray (movie producer)....my friend works for them....that's just weird

right so pics will come soon


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