what oh what have i been doing?

we've been adopted by a little striped orange kitty that likes to hang out in the giant storage building....too shy to get too near yet
everyone else is fine and/or getting big like Calliope & Archimedes here--->
which is interesting since they don't really realize that they're so big when they try to jump on you or sit on your lap! they're almost 6 months now....Calliope's fur has started to get really curly--oh maybe in another year they'll both be sporting long dred-like curls
so i was thinking that really besides death the only thing anyone can truly rely on is that somewhere in the world at some point in time, there's going to be some sort of "natural" disaster.....course there are plenty of disasters influenced and/or caused by humans, but even if there weren't humans around, there would probably still be some sort of occasional giant storm, hurricane, tornado, volcanic eruption, typhoon, earthquake, flood, fire, etc. so why doesn't everyone put their faith in mother earth's upset? maybe we'd all learn a little respect. right. faith in man? in general, no. people do pretty stupid and horribly evil things all the time. guess you could have faith in that aspect of man. can 6+ billion people all remarkably change? do 6+ billion people even want to change? what do they say about "safety" in the well-known, the habitual....regardless of how pleasant or horrible that monotony is? then think about these questions with this in mind: the comparatively few people that think they know what is best for all the rest, or rather, what will keep the masses controlled & numb, safe in monotony......surely there's no other option, no other choice, no other way, nothing more fulfilling!
right right what about all that good being done out there. sometimes i wonder if all of it is really good but i'll admit there's a little sunshine here & there.
as i've mentioned before, i wouldn't blame the earth for rebooting. but maybe she'll be nice & just keep sending warnings. now all we gotta do is heed them. learn something maybe.
life isn't about the many things we've made it about. why live like automatons? why don't we breathe once and a while?
"Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To know that for destruction ice
Is also great
And will suffice."
that's Robert Frost for those wondering.
fall is my favorite time of year.
the sun comes through the trees at just the right angle.
certain flowers have their second bloom.
and i let out a sigh.