de ja vu (minus accents)
i watched this movie "katherine" with sissy spacek (1975) last night. i've actually been watching a lot of movies from the 60s & 70s lately. (when they had no clue that you could play with lighting in such a way that it would still look like night AND you could see the actors.) here's the thing though. quite a few (like "katherine") are protest films, thought-provoking films whatever you want to call those wild & wonderful times. but if it wasn't for the quality of the film, the dress, and the hairstyles i could swear it was now. for the most part they're saying the same thing "crazy alternatives" (viewpoints/lifestyle not music) are saying now. it's as if everything paused & 30 years later we're pressing play, except now the problems that were around then are so exacerbated, and so many new ones are falling on us everyday that, well, fixing anything is a long long way from here. and maybe we really didn't press play. maybe we're just on that spiral time travels in & we're merely revisiting everything on a new loop. it's kind of weird & creepy, those echoes from past ages, past decades. like when you read the book of your life written by someone else. makes you feel pretty small. also makes you wonder if change is really possible or if we're just swimming upstream as they say. time to ditch time. scribble on a piece of paper....that should be how time is directed if it must be. but wouldn't it be crazy having everything around at once? might already be that way. who knows. could be fun though--a dash or two of chaos certainly enlivens one's day.
another shining example
...of religious moronity...
so don't ask how i found this, but i was searching for something & i get this "religion is evil" page....well, in most cases it's just plain ridiculous, but often religion does make people evil, but anyhoo, want to know why all religion is evil??????!!!!!
this is great....
BECAUSE "Religion is inspired by the evil one, satan, to keep man from truly knowing God by receiving His gift of eternal life, which is in Jesus Christ." And it gets better...."Only Jesus can deliver you and give you new life. No religion can!" so how is a belief in jesus & satan & god not a religion? christians are a riot. i hate when they assume i am one too. i like when they talk about all those "evil cults" 'cause then i get to say that according to the definition of the word "cult", all religions/faiths can be considered cults. they normally shut up then. bad religion! making people stupid & insane! you should be ashamed!
all right so that site was at in case you thought i made it up. haven't checked out the rest of it, but i'm sure there's lots more of those fun christian inanities, i just don't want to waste my time with it. unless i'm really really really really really bored. and i'm not.
here's the definition for "CULT":
- A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader.
- The followers of such a religion or sect.
- A system or community of religious worship and ritual.
- The formal means of expressing religious reverence; religious ceremony and ritual.
- A usually nonscientific method or regimen claimed by its originator to have exclusive or exceptional power in curing a particular disease.
- Obsessive, especially faddish, devotion to or veneration for a person, principle, or thing.
- The object of such devotion.
- An exclusive group of persons sharing an esoteric, usually artistic or intellectual interest.
hmmmmmm......(if you haven't noticed yet, i REALLY don't like religion. but i wouldn't say i'm an atheist either. nor would i call myself agnostic. so what am i left with? my own thoughts i guess. better than pretending somebody else's thoughts are mine & making an ass out of myself. who wants to grovel anyhow?)
silly jealous gods. silly jealous people. pulling the yoke.
kittens in love

...too cute...
mr. pants

here is the latest edition. a little stray that we were just recently able to confirm is a male. he is very shy. but he & rumpelteazer love each other and play all the time & sleep all curled up together. he is slowly getting braver, though we still cannot get close enough to pet him. maybe soon he'll be sitting on our laps. he's been coming in for just a week. spent a month or so living in the building outside, during which time he fell in love and in spite of his overwhelming fear, braved the dogs & followed rumpeltee through the cat door. sometimes he sits outside at the edge of the woods waiting for her to come out....when she does, he calls out to her & then they run to meet. it's cute. he appears to be about the same age. pups & kittens are going on a special trip to the spay & neuter clinic next week.....
getting kind of used to rotting deer parts in the yard.......wish people could dispose of legs & heads somewhere that's not my woods though.....gnawing pacifies the dogs i guess
"derek in india" (see link list) is just "derek" right now....we picked him up thursday....but he's going back in a month or so. ahhhh, spices from india are so much better than ones a sea rushing over your tongue, each subtle flavor in perfect balance with one another.....but so derek is engaged to a bhutanese girl named choden....which means if they get married he will be one of the very few westerners able to go "freely" to bhutan. i use "freely" in the most conservative form.....bhutan's king doesn't like what western civilization has done to some of the countries around his, and you know, i can't blame him for being wary. westerners have destroyed an awful lot. usurped a lot. killed a lot of people in the name of wicked hypocrisy, oops! i mean god.
lucky there's a family guy.