Wednesday, July 27, 2005

sometimes i wonder...

i forgot to mention that my younger brother most likely became a father last week......i say most likely b/c he has reason to doubt it's really his, but a little test will be done soon to clear all that up......the best part is that he & the mother have not been dating nor on good terms since before she found out she was pregnant......i just =love= soap operas. leave the melodrama for the stage, girls & boys. god i need to move to pluto. my even younger cousin is due anytime now too. she & her beau aren't getting along so hot either. why are we having babies???

needless to say all this pregnancy, plus the kids produced by my half-siblings over the past few years, always stokes my dad's "have billions of kids" fire (so he can boast about how many grandkids he has). i like to say i already have some. they have long curly hair, say "naaaaaaaa" & walk on all fours. plus puppies are almost as much work as kids. not as costly though. maybe if there wasn't so much poison (placed on purpose) in: the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, the vaccines & drugs supplied (at high profits for them!) by the pharmaceutical companies/hospitals/doctors/dentists, the so-called educational (i.e. propaganda/indoctrination) system.........and of course all the lovely emotional pollution we pick up from everyone else. i would feel guilty forcing someone to be born into all that crap. but that's just me, i guess.

so did you know that david bowie was in a mime troupe?

Monday, July 25, 2005


the only problem with a blog is that it's on the internet which is also it's whole reason for existence........if we really lived in a free world i might be able to post something a little deeper or at least a little less allusive.........but we don't, so i still tend to keep some things relatively reserved & quite never know who might be reading

anyhow, i would like to say how much i hate those little ribbon magnets proudly fading on every other car amongst other superbly ridiculous & annoyingly arrogant decorative stickers...............i will admit my car has many stickers too, but i prefer to promote cartoons & designs, and occasionally something true not the latest makes for interesting driving though when i'm in a town (that has a curfew) late at night.......apparently all cops assume i am 16. just like this moron trying to sell me magazines wouldn't believe that i dress goth at times (and fooling real goths too!), just because i was wearing a skirt & a t-shirt that day. he apparently thought that he could discern everything about me just by the way i was dressed (which was actually rather conservative for me that day). he got mad when i said that appearances can be deceiving and that i didn't want to support any of the crap fascist propaganda he was peddling......needless to say, he decided i was evil & selfish........i was preventing him from winning a trip to bermuda....................i refer all to the voltaire quote at the top of the page

and one other thing..........why are they burying the sacrificial remains of the victims of the 911-two-towers-thing in special decay-postponing sealed bags under the new buildings going up.....when they already are saving small fragments in case forensics gets better in the future? haven't we learned yet you don't build over burial grounds? bad juju anyone? why do people bury their dead anyhow? why doesn't everyone cremate? oooooohhhhhh, right........because of


our neighbor's dog attacked Gimli a few nights ago---when the neighbor & David were both outside too!......big hunting dogs should not be kept all day(s) & night(s) in a small trailer alone and only rarely taken on walks.......i find this a little cruel.....if people have to breed dogs to be insane, then at least give them a home (and land!) where it's safe for them to be insane.....otherwise why torture the animal? i can only provide so much protection for my animals---it's not fool-proof but i try and i'm around my animals if not the whole day then most of it! but god if you're gone for almost 24 hrs a day and sometimes even for a few days altogether ALL THE TIME, why the hell do you own an animal? David goes over and takes the dog on a walk sometimes, or at least out to go to the bathroom.......but hey, uh, this isn't our dog. it saddens me really. and then we're the "lucky" recipients of all that pent-up doggy angst. Gimli's better now (not as bad as the big-wild-cat attack on Tom), but he's still shaken up.

do i have anything pleasant to remark on? wildflowers, trees, all plants are fascinating, animals are hilarious, and night-swimming in non-chemicalized water is beautiful.

but i must stop here, even if it is bat country........

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

post office blues, asinine burglars, & gay pigs

rant #1: why do post offices close at 4:30 now? who's brilliant idea is that? how do working people ever get there? do they have to take a day off? "uh....i can't come in today. i need to go to the post office." why don't they just go back to using horses. i think it would actually be more efficient.

rant #2: a friend of mine gets his car broken into. the burglar takes the following: a few random cds but not all of them, a discman, a bunch of self-made rock tapes, a huge project due the next day for my friend's class (the thief sifted through a notebook for that), and all the artwork my friend had prepared for a convention that's in a week. Left artwork not associated with this particular art project. what kind of immature asshole does this? sifts through notebooks & portfolios? obviously they weren't doing this for the money. this was a personal attack. why else steal very specific pieces of artwork & classwork? in my opinion, the person who did it should be....ok, i'll curb my violence for the good ol' internet, but i'm thinking at least beat to unconciousness & then tarred & feathered.

again i ask why the hell are people so insanely stupid? why so viciously evil? sometimes i think earth does deserve to destroy us all.



uh on a lighter note, the pig we thought was male and then decided was female.....well, it really is a male. David saw it hump the other pig. apparently pigs have corkscrew penises. so this male is just a lot less endowed than the other one, and its balls look oddly like vaginal lips. who knows why. but the other pig didn't seem to mind and he's humped before too so..........its official! we have gay pigs!

also, Tom was recently caught trying to hump his brother Gimli (who wasn't that into it) i don't know, we might also end up with gay incestuous goats too!

Monday, July 11, 2005

a series of unfortunate events...

...not having to do with orphans & the superficial sappy bilk with lots of occult symbols and who knows what else burned into your retinas 186,000 miles per second in what some people may try to pass off as a "film"...

but actually real-life unfortunate events like today when we lose one guinea and all 5 baby silkies in a rather devastating succession

sparing the world the details i will say that i have always been a cat person

the hole in the pen

those little guys were so adorably precious, jumping all around inside their pen, peeping, flying a little........

they survived here two days.....

sometimes i think i should sell all the animals, all the plants (plenty of oxygen in our house), burn all my stuff, and go live in a cave in greenland......least that was the joke i had with some friends of mine years & years ago.....we chose greenland as our hermitage 'cause of inhospitable environment (to make life even more interesting).....maybe antartica would be even better.......if it wasn't so cold i would take my cats with me since they are much more reasonable animals......although leamh could probably survive here in the woods on his own and most likely would prefer i'd take the kitten.........wait maybe instead i'll just find a cave somewhere a bit warmer and get lots of kittens to live with me and then i could be a cat-lady & a hermit all at the same time!

then maybe i could avoid......i'll say what some other time

Sunday, July 10, 2005

mes animals -- chickies & piggies!

these are the potbelly pigs. we haven't decided on names yet! [a month or two later we did--in the pic its Grumpus to the left & Hoggle to the right, with Tom in the background] at first we thought they were both males and the one was just gay, but turns out his humping was not in vain! so there will be baby piggies running around in a few months.....[see the post on gay pigs--they are both males]

the black chicken is Gobo (remember the Fraggles?). he is a black polish crested. he is rather young right now, but when he matures he will have long tail feathers & an even bigger tuft! in the sunlight his black feathers sparkle blue & purple. we want to get him a lady-friend. [he is dead now, killed by our neighbor's bird-hunting dog]

below Gobo is a photo of Madeleine, a rhode island red.....our most wonderful layer. we've had her the longest, except for Holly, who is the victim of a Chicken Holocaust that we rescued (to keep company with some younger chicks who ended up getting killed by hawks or something). <<see a previous post of mine>> in the picture of Tom you can see Holly in the background. she is just a white leghorn, raised for meat. our least healthy chicken, through the fault of the commercial poultry industry.

the bottom pics show the silkies! their feathers are spineless, so they are very fuzzy & whispy. they lay very small eggs. for some reason they arranged by color for these photos. the white hens we got first--Wakaba & Kenshin. the orange/buff ones are Sayonara (the rooster) & Taki. The grey hen on the left is Miki, and the grey hen on the right is Suki. Suki has some real feathers, so she is a mix, probably with a cochin. [see post in september for "her" new pics--she is really a he] typically the rooster & the white hens hang out, since they are all silkies in the making? [sure enough--see sept. posts] silkies are an asian/oriental breed, so they all got japanese names.

did you know that female chicks look like their father & male chicks look like their mother?

we also recently got 5 silkie peeps--only 3 weeks old & adorable!!!! some are mixes actually, but they will be black, white, splash (whitish with grey-blue splotches), & partridge. also recently we got some young guineas, which are crazy looking birds from Africa. they haven't quite matured into crazy-looking yet, but they are definitely getting the loud annoying call typical of this breed. they eat ticks though, & warn you of intruders (by making a big commotion!). these guys are even harder to get photos of then the big silkies. they keep running under the chicken house!

click on a pic to enlarge
it....unless your internet connection is prehistoric like mine.

if I get better pics I'll post 'em. Enjoy for now!

watashi no dobutsu -- kitties!

here is a recent pic of Leamh (pronounced LAY-uhv) below--who ran away for 15 days when we first got Archimedes and the kitten. when he came back he was fatter. that is he had actually filled out, he's never been fat. we figure he was dining on baby bunnies, 'cause he sure won't go anywhere near strangers. he hardly comes near us! he is a very skittish cat....gets more so as time goes by....but he has the handsomest shining coat I've ever seen! he is a tough fighting tom that prefers to be out in the woods. I was surprised to see him inside eating when I took this photo. he's 2 years old.

on the top-left is Rumpelteazer! she's a sweetheart, as old as the pups, and cute!!! the hind leg you can't see in the photo is yellow & orange striped. I think of T. S. Eliot--"I have a Gumbie cat in mind, her name is Jennyanydots. Her coat is of the tabby kind, with tiger stripes & leopard spots." but her name came from another poem in his Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats. ("Mungojerrie & Rumpelteazer were a notorious couple of cats...") she likes to pounce on the dogs & they like to chase her. Rumpelteazer is dancing for David in this pic. I made the curtains you see in the background!

I've been trying to say "my animals" in various languages here.....but japanese plurality is a little hard to master at quick-glance, even with all my books, so technically the title says merely "my animal". oh well.

mein Tiere - goats!

Angoras!!! these guys are 4 months or so now. they are twin brothers. names are from Tolkien's Lord of the Rings this time.....Gimli (two pics on the left) & Tom Bombadil (top/right). Gimli has fur on his jaw & down his face....Tom has a red-tipped tail. Tom was attacked by some large wild cat about a month ago. Gimli ran away & was missing all night. he came back after dawn, perfectly fine.....after we had been up all night searching the woods for him!

right now their curly fur is rather short....normally they look twice as big because of it! but it's hot & mohair keeps one rather warm.....I'll need to trim them again here pretty soon--it grows back fast!

these guys love jumping on EVERYTHING. and trying to eat everything. and trying to get in places they are not supposed to the house. they are lots of fun though! Gimli is normally the one getting into trouble first.

mis animales - puppies!

let's start with the puppies. these are Komondors (livestock guard breed from Hungary and possibly Tibet). they get really long cords for fur when they grow up. kind of like dreads. if you ever saw the Looney Tunes cartoon where the sheep-looking dog & the wolf clocked in & out for "work" (protecting and attacking the sheep, respectively)....well that was a Komondor. there was one in 101 Dalmations too I think. these guys are gonna get BIG.

first up is Archimedes (Argo) on the left/bottom. named after the Greek who discovered the principle of density/buoyancy while taking a bath & ran through the streets naked shouting "eureka". we got him first. then 2 weeks later we picked up one of his sisters, who we named Calliope (Greek muse of epic poetry). see the pic at the top/right. they are both about 9 weeks old. she's bigger than he is, longer snout, longer tail, longer legs, longer body. but he is definitely the cutest, being all rolly polly like.

I realize they look identical in the pics, but you really can tell them apart when you see them.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

slowest internet connection in the universe but i love my chickens

i forgot that i had this thing

but SSSSSSSSSSLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW internet prevents me from really doing much anyhow

i wish they didn't poison everything

i also wish people weren't so............blind. amongst other adjectives

chickens are really fun to watch in an open happy healthy environment. and they each have such unique personalities. it's a hoot!

but i really despise what coporate farming etc does to chickens

two chickens the same age (3 months) and one is oh 5 times bigger than the other. guess which got the steroids, etc etc etc and which was growing naturally. i had rescued the giant hormone, vaccine ridden one......a true holocaust survivor......the fear in her eyes frightened she has giant tumors, will eat until she throws up if you don't monitor her carefully, and is a giant poop-machine......flies always gather around her giant abnormal defecations and not the other chickens & animals......i wonder why???? OH!!!! and people eat these kind of chickens all the time. what do they eat? hormones, vaccines, disease, think this is a good thing to be consuming? if you want to eat flesh so bad why don't you raise the animal yourself, then go look it in the eyes while you slaughter it. then skin it yourself. prepare it yourself. if an animal (or a plant for that matter) is going to be giving up its life for you, you best respect it. but remember that the human digestive system is not designed for processing's too long, so flesh actually ends up rotting and putrefying in your intestines, blocking them up, enlarging them, distending your belly, adding pounds & pounds of weight FOR YEARS.

do some research.