Tuesday, November 22, 2005

well craptastic!!!

all right! 'tis the season of giant turkey balloons! man, where's my dart gun? and then next month there will be giant air-sacs shaped like santa, snowpeople, reindeer.....oh god, pure bliss! i also like it when they blow away. winds are pretty strong today. it's snowing too. let's keep those fingers crossed, shall we?

so one internet group i lurk around on when i'm bored had a post about "thanksgiving", and i really really really wanted to post something in reply. however, i figured it wouldn't be considered "nice" enough to actually be posted, so i came here to pour out my rantings.

first off, let's give the turkeys something to be thankful for. funny thing, i have never eaten turkey in my entire life. and that's not because my family didn't as i grew up, since they did and do. that makes me feel good about myself. at least i'm not supporting the horrible atrocities against those poor birds. btw, have you ever sat in the woods all still and seen wild turkeys? totally awesome. they are so fast. hey if the turkey was the one picked to be the national bird, would we be eating eagles for thanksgiving? well, we know that could never have been since i don't think the turkey has any occult/esoteric/etc symbolism behind it. no national status for the turkey! only non-life as fodder for the carnivores!

furthermore, all that bullshit about indians & pilgrims makes me want to storm some castles. at least they're outlawing holidays in public schools so less of that kind of drivel is being taught. now if we can only get rid of all the rest of the crap they pawn off as science, history, and a whole host of other required subjects.

lastly, i have a serious problem with the whole name "thanksgiving". i remember "thanksgiving" as being a time when i was forced to go to relatives' houses where i was emotionally tortured (my brother got that on top of being beaten up. i'm serious. black eyes and more just because he was a little kid), and would spend my sentence trying to hide as far away from these cousins, uncles, aunts, etc for as long as i possibly could. luckily at some point the football game on television (which was always on) would distract most of these people and i could safely escape outside, maybe hide inside a bush or in the car, only to have to finally drag myself inside because i was freezing cold. when i didn't eat turkey (and i never did remember) i would be taunted mercilessly. when i got a little older and was trying to learn scottish gaelic (at the age of 13) and would bring my books so i could have SOMETHING to do until we left, well of course i was attacked for wanting to learn something. seriously. these are the people who i am related to?! these are the people who i would never ever in all of eternity NEVER associate with. thank god when my mother finally stopped going to these horrors, because then i didn't have to anymore either. though of course my father thought it mean. guess he didn't understand how mean his family was/is. sometimes i hear about who hates who among them. i just have to laugh. so THANKSGIVING is not about THANKS and it is not about GIVING. it is about STUFFING YOUR GUT and WATCHING FOOTBALL. that's among families. in the commercial world, it means MAKING LOTS OF MONEY. this is what all holidays are basically for. EATING, WATCHING SPORTS GAMES, MAKING MONEY (or SPENDING MONEY if you're the consumer), and an EXCUSE TO CLOSE BANKS.

and please don't try to convince me that christmas is a holiday to celebrate the birth of baby jesus. unless by "baby jesus" you mean "the sun". that's SUN not SON. the glowing orb in the daytime skies. you could also mean the celebration of expensive fad toys & gadgets or the birth of super sales (both meanings or points of view for that word--consumer & retailer). or another time when you're forced to visit those people you never see except at certain holidays and who you really don't like. or a time to blow darts at giant ballons in peoples' front lawns. all of these could work.

and if you're going to give away chemicals, artificial flavors, artificial colors....excuse me, i mean prepackaged "food"....maybe you should think twice. i don't think god would be very proud of your contributing to poisoning the masses. i'm sure there's something better you could give. think real hard and it might come to you. i'm not being facitious here.

and have a oh so happy thanksgiving! (NOW i'm being facitious)

Sunday, November 13, 2005

humming from the other side

just wanted to mention this funny little proposed bill....S-1873 in the senate & HR-3970 in the house of reps. it is one of those things that makes you feel like you are living in the world of THX 1138 or 1984. but that's what the goal is right? although our lovely governmental bodies have passed many other thoroughly invasive & fascist & underhanded little laws just in the past few years, this one is actually going to directly affect your body, your health, & possibly even be the cause of your death (if you are allergic to poisons, chemicals, or certain medicines that is).........and if you do happen to die from complications from what is being forcible injected into your bloodstream....OH WELL. tough luck i guess! don't look for compensation 'cause it'll be illegal. don't try to ask what is in that vile concoction (just to make sure it doesn't have anything that could possibly kill you)--that'll be illegal to!!!! and people say this is a free country. i laugh my ass off. then i cry aloud at rampant stupidity. take off your blinders for once. christ.

irony is when vaccines increase the contractions of diseases. (well most of them have/do you know). what about all those other miracles in your bathroom cabinet? ever wonder their surprises? ever wonder? no of course not, WONDERING & QUESTIONING ARE NOT ALLOWED......just ask the priests, uh, politicians, uh, drug companies, uh, CEOs, uh.........

"kashira kashira gozonji kashira?!?!"

do you know what i wonder?

one thing i wonder is why people don't wonder why most celebrities only date (marry & divorce) celebrities......and why they for the most part can get away with deeds far worse than murder.....except for the occasional sacrifice of one of their numbers (just to make it seem like they are just like you & me and not above the "law"), they pretty much operate as some untouchable elite royal caste. doesn't anyone else find this a bit bizzare????? shouldn't we stop supporting all these upper castes (not just from entertainment) and start supporting ourselves instead? and why are all the presidential candidates (at least those running for the democrat & republican parties!!! REMEMBER THERE ARE MORE THAN JUST TWO PARTIES, PEOPLE!)...why are they always distantly but directly related to each other as well as the royal rulers across the atlantic??? why indeed.....could it be that's a prereq? those bluebloods just don't like to mix with the peasants/serfs.

actually i mostly wonder why there's not more wondering going on. then i wonder why there isn't more anger. but then i remember those blinders. they're quite fashionable i hear. have been for centuries. helps keep one from being startled at reality....by not letting one see it. just read your organic style, your wired, your utne, your new yorker, the best of the bestsellers list, keep up-to-date with the music & computer & cellphone industries latest gimmicks & gadgets, keep yourself in debt with your fancy new car with all the extras & that way-over-priced box you call home AND BY GOD YOU'LL BE FINE! in fact, if you get a little spiritual buzz going every now and again, you'll even think you're happy. ain't it all just grand? and obviously those with more money than you know what's best......so help them out by giving them even more money and by letting them do all your thinking for you. the powers that be never lie....they are always acting in your best interest....always.....


did you know that some people actually base their vote for the presidential candidate on which is the most "correct" type of "christian"? yeah i hate to tell them what that makes the definition of "christian" become.....actually, i lie there. i would love to tell them. and also tell them that there are more than two parties. and also tell them that well democracy never really existed. unless by democracy one means esoteric totalitarian fascist dictatorial ruling body of elitist modern-day monarchs. if that's what you mean, then well you already know that other definition of "christian".

and along those lines, here's a fun quote!

"A Sunday school is a prison in which children do penance for the evil conscience of their parents"
--H. L. Mencken

HA! i like this one a lot since that's why i was forced to go to sunday school. not to learn any sort of religious dogma, but because my mother feared the disapproval of her parents should we not be going to sunday school.

maybe if people stop groveling to images (many created by that wonderful & eternal elite), some sort of actually real & actually beneficial change could occur. just a thought. i'm full of those.

all right....i should stop before i keep going.

={quick choose! fire or ice?????????????}=

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

falsely free & living lies

uhhhh i wish those great & glorious trespassing hunters would have the decency to take the animals they murder whole instead of leaving bits & pieces of their carcasses for me to stumble over and despose of.............and it seems like there's always plenty of free venison advertised in the local trading papers........a literal overkill mayhaps?..........hmmmmmm.....

another thing that really peeves me is that so many people can't seem to understand that some people don't like to eat animals--and oh my god!--so they don't ever do it! how can that be??? they don't want meat on their sandwich? how could they eat just the bread & vegetables & fruit??????!!!!!!!! how????!!!!! OH AND VEGETARIAN DOES NOT MEAN "EATS FISH , SEAFOOD, & WHITE MEAT". god how many people think that.........i'm glad i only ate meat a few times a year growing up, so i can say to certain people that i have never been fond of consuming putrefying animal carcasses so that completely eliminating them from my diet was a breeze. animal flesh just tastes gross in my opinion--always has. the texture is disgusting. bleck! and how many carnivorous humans actually eat the meat plain or not fried? yeah, that's what i thought. guess what! you can eat almost all fruits, nuts, & vegetables without doing a thing to them! that's right, RAW!

speaking of raw food, i had an apple the other day, grown organic, no paraffin or animal wax covering it--still had a leaf attached to the stem........and jesus that was the best apple i have ever had in my life!!!! i never really liked apples growing up because they had no taste, but well, that's what commercialism, genetic modification, chemicals, & depleted soil do for you! thanks FDA!

***for those of you who don't know, most of the food in a grocery store is sneakily filled with animal ingredients.....things you wouldn't ever dream of having them (like those super shiny apples!)......sometimes it might be synthetic, but you can't ever tell by the ingredient lists and the companies aren't going to tell you....so i guess really all that food is is synthetic chemicals & meat for the most part. and i absolutely love how it's legal to call something juice that has 1% juice FROM CONCENTRATE and the rest just corn syrup & water.....oh right & aspartame. thanks, but i'll take mine without the nerve toxin....


words from a long-dead french guy:

"It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets."

"It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong."

"In general, the art of government consists of taking as much money as possible from one class of citizens to give to another."

"The secret of being boring is to say everything."

"Men use thought only as authority for their injustice, and employ speech only to conceal their thoughts."

"To succeed in the world it is not enough to be stupid, you must also be well-mannered."

"Everything's fine today, that is our illusion."


sometimes other people just say things better........not that voltaire was the greatest person in the world, but some of his words were pretty nice & are still applicable..........i wonder is it because we're still being ruled by royalty? because we're still acting so frickin' helpless & oblivious? come on, we were not sent here to conquer & destroy the world (or each other), though we certainly act like that an awful lot....no divine birthrights, no manifest destinies...........having electricity & a car doesn't make you a better person.....just one that pays electric bills, car & insurance payments. ha.

so last friday in vermont's capital there was this nice meeting for the second vermont republic. i wish they would secede. i wish every state would secede. 50 little countries. wouldn't that be funny? maybe then the world wouldn't just hate americans, but maybe just floridians or dc-ites or whatever. then you'd get this special passport to travel between what used to be "united" states....oh wait but you're already going to have to get one of those. a bit orwellian, huh?

did i rant enough for today?